Will Programmers Be Needed in the Future? - by Lukas Gren

Short answer: "No", or at least, not as we understand it today. Programmers bring value beyond writing code. They solve real-world problems, manage complexity, and create tailored solutions. AI can't yet fully grasp non-digitalized problems, so human skills remain essential.

March 19, 2025
min read
Will Programmers Be Needed in the Future? - by Lukas Gren

Table of contents

Why Traditional Programming Roles Are Changing

AI tools like ChatGPT and large language models (LLMs) are transforming software development. These tools can generate, debug, and optimize code faster than ever. Programmers who rely on clear instructions or repetitive tasks are at risk of being replaced.

However, AI still needs humans to interpret messy, real-world problems. Turning these problems into actionable solutions requires people who can understand the full picture—not just the digitalized parts. This is where programmers must adapt.

The Future Programmer: A Problem Solver

Successful programmers in the AI era focus on understanding and defining problems. Their value comes from working directly with clients, identifying needs, and guiding AI to deliver solutions.

"At Moravio, our developers are like navigators in uncharted waters. They don't wait for a map; they chart the course themselves. By asking the right questions and understanding the full situation, they guide AI to deliver the best results. If you can't thrive in ambiguity and proactively drive efforts forward beyond the code, no amount of technical skill will save your job."

How Moravio Stays Ahead

At Moravio, we don't hire people who need to be told what to do at every step. If you need micro-managing, AI has already replaced you. We look for proactive developers who thrive in uncertainty, communicate well, and figure out what needs to be done. Our team doesn't just write code; they solve problems and use AI to create real value for your business.

Our engineers:

- Understand client challenges by working directly with stakeholders.
- Use AI effectively to improve workflows and deliver results faster.
- Avoid reinventing the wheel by leveraging the best tools available.

This approach ensures we don't just survive in an AI-driven world but lead the way.

What Businesses and Programmers Should Know

- For Businesses:

Don't hire developers who only write code.

Work with partners who act as a mix of product managers and engineers. These professionals collaborate with you, use AI effectively, and create tailored solutions for your needs.

- For Programmers:

Coding isn't enough anymore.

You need to see the bigger picture, communicate effectively, and use AI to amplify your abilities. The ability to define and solve problems will set you apart.

What can I say as a conclusion?

AI isn't replacing programmers; it's changing their role. The focus is shifting from writing code to understanding problems and delivering custom solutions. At Moravio, we embrace this change and ensure our team leads in combining AI with human expertise.

Ready to transform your approach to software development? Let's talk.

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