React Native

React Native je výkonný framework pro tvorbu uživatelských rozhraní pro Android a iOS s využitím jediného kódu. Ať už vytváříte novou aplikaci, nebo vylepšujete stávající, naši vývojáři v React Native vytvářejí rychlá, spolehlivá a nákladově efektivní řešení, která splňují vaše obchodní potřeby.

Proč s námi spolupracovat na vývoji softwaru v React Native

Křížová platformní expertiza

Vyvíjíme mobilní aplikace pro iOS i Android z jednoho kódu, což snižuje dobu vývoje a náklady, a zároveň zajišťuje konzistentní výkon napříč platformami.

Rychlejší uvedení na trh

Naše řešení v React Native jsou navržena tak, aby urychlila vývojový proces díky znovupoužitelným komponentům, což vám pomůže spustit mobilní aplikaci rychleji, aniž by utrpěla kvalita.

Přizpůsobená řešení

Nejenže vyvíjíme aplikace, ale vytváříme mobilní řešení na míru vašim obchodním potřebám, ať už jste startup nebo velký podnik.

Podpora během celého vývojového cyklu

Od počátečního plánování a návrhu až po vývoj, testování a následnou podporu – postaráme se o všechny aspekty vašeho mobilního projektu, aby byl úspěšný.

Škálovatelné a připravené na budoucnost

Naše aplikace v React Native jsou navrženy s ohledem na škálovatelnost, což umožňuje vaší aplikaci růst a vyvíjet se spolu s vaším podnikáním.

Oddaný vývojový tým

S flexibilními možnostmi najímání můžete zapojit dedikovaného vývojáře React Native nebo celý tým, což zajistí, že budete mít potřebné odborné znalosti pro váš projekt.

Související technologie

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We are amazed by the quality of the organizational skills.

Moravio has delivered the live video streaming platform, and it is exactly what the I wanted. They've successfully integrated the Stripe APIs and calendar function, which work well. Moreover, the vendor is detail-oriented, organized, and trustworthy. They also communicate well via Google Meet.This is some text inside of a div block.
Jonathan Tustain
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Their communication has been straight and transparent.

Moravio's quality services earned positive remarks. As a result, the client expressed the intention to continue working with the team for years. They worked on efficient project management and tracked issues on Jira effectively. Customers can fully rely on their reliability and skills.
James Leonard Ehrlich, DVM
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They take ownership of projects and spend time learning about products.

Moravio successfully delivers outputs on time and within expectations. Their Agile processes and use of Slack and Jira result in a collaborative working relationship. A true partner, they take ownership of projects and spend time learning about products. Overall, they are solutions-driven.
Jan Rudovsky
Director of Engineering, JLLCEO, STARDIO
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They are competent, professional, and honest.

Moravio’s development has moved the project forward. They facilitate a dynamic workflow through a collaborative and transparent approach. Their high-quality work, professional attitude, and openness to innovative ideas are impressive.
Václav Hejda
CEO, Spanamo
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They took real ownership of the feature.

Moravio has been a key partner in accelerating our development. Moravio was able to autonomously develop desk booking Jet skills. They took real ownership of the feature and were able to drive the development independently.
Ondrej Kvasnovsky
Director of Engineering, JLL

React Native app development company FAQ

➣ Can I hire a dedicated React Native developer if I'm a sole trader?
Yes, absolutely. Moravio enables you to hire remote React Native developers for any size business and any scale of job. With Moravio you can hire a React Native developer for a small single project.

➣ Does Moravio recommend to hire a React Native app developer for every mobile application job?
Not necessarily, Moravio is dedicated to providing solutions tailored to individual client needs, expectations, and future goals. Our teams work across a diverse range of technologies, and may often propose combining more than one to achieve the best outcome.

➣ Our company isn't very technically minded, can we still hire Moravio and React Native developers?
Yes, Moravio's managed project division is geared towards those that either know very little, or aren't interested in any involvement, in their company's mobile application development. You're kept in the loop by a project manager, but Moravio takes full control of contracting the right experts for the job, and implementing it to your satisfaction.

➣ Is there a standard React Native developer hourly rate charged by Moravio?
No, Moravio offers a complete service, so whether you book us for a single job or for a comprehensive company overhaul, we bill you for the entire job rather than for separately selected time periods. You may find freelance developers charging hourly rates, however they are unlikely to be able to match the quality, experience level, creativity, and oversight, provided by Moravio.

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