A/B Testing

We will improve the performance of your website or application. Thanks to A/B testing, we can quickly and cheaply verify what works and bring more conversions.

Identification of testing areas

According to the set goals of the project, we will identify critical areas in which we want to focus on improvement.

Design and implementation of changes

We define the hypothesis that we will want to verify in the A/B test. Accordingly, we will propose changes to the critical area and incorporate them into the project.

Performing tests

We will choose a suitable tool and run a test on a user group in order to achieve a sufficiently large and representative sample, according to which it will be possible to verify the established hypothesis.

Processing of test results

We evaluate the test results and decide whether to apply the change to the project or keep the original version.

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We help startups, IT companies and corporations with digital products.

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Jakub Bílý

Head of Business Development
Do you want to talk to us directly? Book a meeting with Jakub from business development.
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