Custom Software Development for Startups

We design and develop custom software for startups. We believe that a well-designed custom software built on leading-edge technologies can take your business to the next level. Streamline processes, speed up routine operations and have a real-time overview of your business.

Develop Software For Startups With Us

• Full-Cycle Development Process

We will provide the full-cycle development process from A to Z and guide you through all project phases such as requirements specification, product design, UX/UI, graphic design, implementation, QA and deployment.

• Leading-Edge Tech Stack

We use leading-edge technologies and tools that allow us to create secure, fast and robust software and applications for startups. We will always find the best custom solution for each project.

• Integration With Other Systems

Do you use other custom systems or third-party applications? We can integrate them with your new custom startup software.

• Cloud-Based Cross-Device Solution

Our software for starstups is built on cloud-based technologies that make all operations real-time so you have an instant overview of your business. At the same time, such software is usable across both mobile and desktop devices.

• Agile Iterative Development

We strongly believe in agile iterative development. We release a new version every 2-3 weeks, so we can respond to user's feedback and needs much faster. This approach reduces time to market significantly and overall boosts user satisfaction.

• Support & Maintenance

After the custom startup software is launched, we will continue maintaining and supporting it to ensure its high relevance in the future.

Startup app development company

There's always a market opening for innovative ideas and the goods and services they inspire, provided they're delivered in the right way. With digital interactions via mobile and web applications now consuming a large part of everyday behavior, our expectations for seamless and intuitive tech are higher than ever. Couple the large percentage of startups that unfortunately don't make it, with the fast-paced futuristic nature of the digital realm, and it's easy to see how intimately the two connect. As a show of this significance, almost 25% of all the staff at leading financial firm Goldman Sachs are computer engineers. Now as a lean startup with tight funding constraints, it's unlikely you'll be able to afford spending a quarter of your budget on software development hires, which is where Moravio's startup app development company comes into play. Moravio is a remote-first full-service digital applications firm with all the talent and tools required for outsourcing startup development. Our individually tailored teams will have your startup launching sooner, more cost-effectively, and with a product that makes an impact.

Table of Contents

Startup app development

Moravio startup development company

Find app developer for startup

How to hire offshore developers for a startup

Hire a programmer for a startup at Moravio

App development services for startup

Startup development costs

Hire remote startup developers at Moravio

How to find software developer for startup

Startup app development FAQs

Startup app development

Outsourcing startup development to Moravio's startup web app development company provides you with the following benefits:

  • Reduced startup development costs - Moravio's startup app developers will assemble a scaleable team featuring all the required talent and no extraneous hires. We save you on the costs associated with hiring and training internal startup developers, as well as the purchase price of any equipment relevant only to the development process.
  • Launch sooner with Moravio MVP development for startup- Moravio gets you to market swiftly by engaging with an agile and iterative development process that delivers an MVP (minimum viable product) which will inform ongoing startup development phases. The rigorous application of QA analytics and customer feedback early in the process will help you to establish your niche customer base and optimize product delivery.
  • Increase investor interest - Moravio startup app development services ensure you go to market with a highly-functional quality-assured product that can give potential investors confidence in your company's future.
  • Integrate software analytics into your digital organization - Your enterprise will profit from the assimilation of information and metrics arrived at during Moravio's discovery and QA processes, enabling you to make informed decisions based on accurate real-time data.

Startup web app development company

Moravio software development startup company is a remotely operational firm of talented startup app developers, product and project managers, QA specialists, and designers from around the globe. Our company has been devising customized software and digital solutions since 2010, and serves clientele across an array of industries and geographical locations.

We excels in assembling dedicated developer teams who deliver a world of experience in the full spectrum of startup development stages direct to your door. At Moravio, expect to find a programmer for startup who has been specially selected to suit your individual needs, and has the technical training and updated learning in all the latest cutting-edge technologies.

We'll also furnish your development team with as many additional hires as are required to complete your project in full.  We always initiate contact with a new prospective client by finding out who you are, what you do, and what your goals are. Our teams then collaborate closely to design, develop and implement a startup development plan tailored exactly to your needs.

Find developers for startup

Outsourcing startup development is a smart move financially as well as on an operational level. Most startups are lean to begin with, and need to allocate their limited capital wisely in order to survive and have a chance to thrive. If you elect for single hire remote startup developers, you may find yourself more out of pocket than you'd expect. A singular hire developer may be able to partially fulfill your software app development needs, but they won't have the depth of skills, industry experience, and tech muscle required to complete all startup development phases in a successfully delivered agile process. This means you risk going to market with a product that isn't fully functional, is plagued by errors, or that is suffering in other ways due to a lack of quality control. Consumers today are a sophisticated, and largely unforgiving audience, with high expectations for mobile and web UX. With studies showing that people will visit a website less if its slower than a close competitor by more than 250 milliseconds, time is indeed of the essence in capturing and retaining potential trade. Thus hiring a programmer for startup who offers only a partial development service will likely cost you more in the long term as you'll require additional hires to correct any performance issues and assume any neglected development activities. Harness the impatience of online users by delivering Moravio developed software that excels in speed and agility.

How to hire developers for startup

There's no shortage of people who call themselves software developers, with the freelance developer sphere an unvetted industry of highly variable levels of experience and skill. Freelancers tend to work alone, and are at best equipped to perform a limited selection of development activities in line with their prior job experience and training. Successful software development requires a holistic full-cycle approach, with careful attention to each stage, and the capabilities for different team members to address the consequences of other activities in the development process. Rather than being linear, with one activity fulfilled before another commences, software development is agile and incremental, and thus demands continual interdepartmental discussion and adjustments. If you find a developer for startup who lacks the communication skills that Moravio staff have honed on countless collaborative projects, they may neglect to inform you when something goes wrong or requires another freelance role hire to address. Hiring freelancers to complete a portion of the development process will most likely necessitate hiring more freelancers to complete the job, and with pay rates for individual hires a fluctuating and unsupervised arena, this can end up being very costly. Moravio startup web development services are an affordable solution for accessing the exact configuration of software developers and any other professionals, such as QAs, required to fully complete your project. We take any of the guesswork out of hiring developers as all Moravio professionals have been recruited to our company on the basis of resumes that confer extensive tech industry experience, versatility, and high-level communication and collaboration skills.

Hiring a programmer for a startup

When you factor in the cost, time, and energy, of hiring and training software developers, as well as the purchase price of equipment and tools associated with vital startup development phases such as QA testing, software development startup costs can be seen to be cumulatively high. Moravio saves you on all these costs, by providing a fully staffed team of professionals who can assume full control of the development process.If you're launching as a startup that hopefully means that there's one thing, one product or service, that you're exceptionally good at. Moravio app development services for startup relieves the initial pressure of you needing to recruit your own in-house IT team to manage the development process, enabling you to focus your time and money of what you do best. Gold standard practice is to wait until your company has sufficient revenue before adding additional staff to the roster. When, and if, you decide to transition towards internal IT staff, Moravio can also support you with onboarding new hires into their roles.

Hire a programmer for a startup

Twelve great reasons why you should hire Moravio's startup development company:

  1. Connect with a development team who have been hand-picked by Moravio to work together on your startup. Our product managers are adept at selecting and coordinating the right people and roles for your project. Take the headache and uncertainty out of the hiring process by allowing us to assume control.
  2. Moravio's startup app developers have wide expertise across the full spectrum of leading technologies available today. As technologies are continually being worked upon and new ones being released, only a company of Moravio's size and reach can guarantee access to and aptitude with the latest cutting-edge programming languages, tools, and techniques.
  3. The Flexibility to choose your level of involvement in the development process. Hand full control to a Moravio managed stream development project and receive continual updates on our team's progress, or choose the collaborative option and our specialists with co-create with your internal staff or other suppliers.
  4. Moravio software development services for startup provide a full-cycle development, from your initial inspiration to market deployment and beyond, our teams have you covered.
  5. We can integrate our customized software applications with any existing custom systems or third-party applications your startup employs.
  6. Benefit from Moravio cloud-based cross-device builds. Our applications work across platforms and provide real-time operational feedback so that you can connect instantly to how your business is doing and make informed decisions from the very beginning.
  7. Ongoing support and maintenance. Post launch, Moravio will offer support and maintenance services to ensure your operation is running smoothly and remains future ready.
  8. Focus on iterative development to help get you to market sooner and more cost-effectively, and to enable customer feedback to be fed back into the development process for future modifications and iterations designed to improve UX.
  9. Extensive portfolio of hundreds of successfully delivered projects, showcasing the diversity of skills and experience in Moravio's global workforce. Continual collaboration on projects encourages the exchange of ideas.
  10. Risk mitigation integrated into all processes of development such that you won't be spending on unnecessary post-deployment fixes, be investing in features of a product that aren't desirable to users, or wasting money outsourcing for activities that aren't suited to your purpose.
  11. You control our level of commitment. If you'd like Moravio to hand-over control to internal staff at any stage, we can ensure a smooth transition. Similarly, Moravio can foster an ongoing support and maintenance role if required.
  12. We're a trusted and awarded industry established development firm. When you're just starting up, you've got fresh ideas that you don't want anyone else to copy. At Moravio you can trust us to guard your information securely.

App development services for startup

Moravio startup web development company empowers you to launch with an MVP that has already adapted quality control and customer response and critique into your ongoing development process. This means you deploy with startup product development that is mature and yet still subscribed to an iterative process encouraging further improvements and cost benefiting strategies. It's relatively easy for startups to get a little lost in the enthusiasm of their great ideas, and to focus their hearts on a product that has unnecessary or even unwanted features. MVP development for startup is the essential process that defines the key features of an intended product, and prevents you from wasting money on adding features to a product that aren't desired. This preferred model of development is only achievable with a full-service software development firm like Moravio who have a fifty-plus global team of developers, designers, project managers, and QAs.

Startup development costs

High startup development costs and anxieties about how to find developers for your startup, have the potential to fail your firm before it's even begun. At Moravio we simplify our fee structure. We make end-to-end custom software an affordable option, by ensuring you only pay for the hires you need. You won't find an assembled Moravio developer team with redundant hires as we expand and contract roles to suit each development stage. By focusing strongly on delivering an MVP, we can also save your startup considerably by avoiding unwanted features, or by bringing a product to market that has a high likelihood of failure.

Hire a programmer for a startup

These days there's an associated app for just about any transaction we take. Whether your customers are purchasing something in an online store, managing their monies, tracking their health goals, booking entertainment services, or performing any other of an infinite number of actions, security is of utmost importance. It's well established that users will not complete a payment if a site appears insecure. Security and privacy hacks are expensive to fix, and damage a startup's reputation. Attempting to save on startup costs by not adequately investing in full-scale development teams who can guarantee secure sites, is a risk that startups can't afford to take. Moravio startup web development company can guarantee the development of mobile and web applications that are durable and resistant to the threat of attack, through its adherence to rigorous QA testing in the pre-launch phase.

How to hire developers for a startup

As a startup you face the challenges of captivating an, as yet undefined, audience, and delivering them solutions in a manner that increases their loyalty and engagement with your brand, Moravio startup app development services aren't just about creating technology that functions, but about crafting a UX that inspires your customers. In getting your MVP to market early and implementing rigorous QA processes to ensure your tech is visually appealing, functionally responsive, and incorporates subtle purchasing prompts, Moravio can be your strongest marketing strategy.

Startup development FAQs

We're a startup with very little capital, but we need to get our product out to attract more investment, can Moravio help?

Yes. Moravio startup development has a strong MVP focus as we understand the value of getting to market quickly with a product that can be used to test demand, as well as inviting investor interest. As a startup you lack a confirmed customer base, and the only way to attract this is to get your product out and seen.

We hired a freelance developer who failed to deliver on our software project, is there any way Moravio can assist?

Yes, absolutely we can. Wherever your startup is at in its development process, we can assemble a team to help. Moravio's software project rescue team can be called in at any stage to assess a previously commissioned project which has stalled, is failing, or has collapsed altogether. Once our team has determined whether the project can be salvaged or needs to be restarted, you'll be given the option for Moravio staff to either consult with your initial supplier, or assume full control of the project.

We're thinking of launching online, but leaving a mobile application for later when we're more established, is this a good idea?

Not one that we'd recommend to be honest. With so much being done by people through their mobile devices, it makes much more sense to develop iOS and Android functional mobile applications, early on. At Moravio we specialize in cross-platform development, so that the same team that works on your web application can develop your mobile apps as well.

Have you got a fresh startup idea brewing, are part the way through a faltering in-house development attempt, or are unsatisfied with your current digital provider? Then it's time to connect to the Moravio difference, and have one of our individually assigned startup developer teams take your enterprise from another great notion to an irresistible and profitable creation.

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We help startups, IT companies and corporations with digital products.

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Jakub Bílý

Head of Business Development
Do you want to talk to us directly? Book a meeting with Jakub from business development.
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