Project Analysis and Architecture

Since 2011, we have gone through a lot of projects on which we have honed and improved our skills. Thanks to this, we can offer you an analysis of your project with a subsequent architecture design. As part of this service, you mainly buy our expertise and experience on various projects and technologies of various sizes.

Project analysis before development

Moravio's boutique Project analysis and architecture division was created to provide our valued customers with a project analysis design service intended to strengthen their software performance, security, and modifiability. With targeted research into software failure reasons estimating that between 60 and 80% of project collapses can be directly attributed to substandard project analysis, requirements gathering, and management, Moravio saw an opportunity for innovation in the pre-development phase. As a dedicated design and development firm for mobile and web applications, Moravio funneled over ten years of project experience from its highly skilled team, into an agency designed specifically to provide pre-implementation analysis to prevent your company's project from flailing or failing. Here's how Moravio's before development project analysis can assist your bbusinessdevelopment goals.

Table of Contents

Moravio pre-implementation analysis benefits

Project analysis before implementation

Before development project analysis steps

Moravio's Project analysis process

Analysis project design by Moravio


Project analysis before implementation

At Moravio, we understand through experience, that the functionability, agility, and dependability, of software relies upon specific decisions made in the development stage. This renders the benefits of pre-implementation analysis key to the delivery of a timely, cost-effective, and high-quality product.

We recognize the crucial role of pre-implementation analysis in delivering software solutions that are functional, agile, and dependable. Based on our experience, we understand that the decisions made during the development stage significantly impact the overall performance and success of a software product.

By conducting thorough project analysis and architecture, we aim to uncover the key requirements and challenges early on. This allows us to make informed decisions and design a robust and efficient system architecture. Through careful planning and analysis, we can identify potential bottlenecks, technical complexities, and dependencies, enabling us to mitigate risks and ensure a smooth development process.

By investing time and effort in understanding the project goals and specific requirements, we can align our development efforts with the client's vision. This collaborative approach ensures that the final product meets the client's expectations and fulfills the intended purpose.

Moreover, our focus on pre-implementation analysis helps in delivering timely, cost-effective, and high-quality software solutions. By identifying potential issues or gaps in the early stages, we can address them proactively, saving valuable time and resources during the development phase. This, in turn, leads to a more efficient and streamlined development process and ultimately results in a superior end product.

Pre-implementation analysis

By assembling a remote-first fully integrated team of project managers, software developers, designers, QAs, and other key roles, Moravio is capable of delivering a pre-implementation analysis of any project that your firm is considering. Moravio provides a continuous software architecture analysis that, as identified as  best practice in scientific research, uses project analysis tools in the pre-development phase to repeatedly check, update, interleave, and improve. In this way, the delivered product is significantly more error-free, mature, and likely to succeed.

Project Analysis and Architecture

Pre-implementation analysis

Pre-development phases

Key phases in Moravio's project analysis process:

  1. Communicating with client to form a clear understanding of their intended project or idea
  2. Co-ordinating a Moravio expert panel to analyze all aspects of software design
  3. Commissioning a Moravio developer team to design the proposed software architecture
  4. Presenting findings of our project analysis to client
  5. Executing an architectural development of the project if requested by client

Project analysis process

Moravio's sophisticated project analysis process is the result of our international staff of industry experts having worked, and increased their learning, on hundreds of projects globally. Our team are always happy to collaborate with any of your firm's in-house technical talent, or alternatively can provide all the skills required to effectively deliver a pre-implementation analysis designed to save you time, money, and stress. At Moravio we work with the latest progressive technologies. For example, our developer team may execute python data analysis project processes, with Moravio finding this open-source language a favourable tool for the handling of data analysis tasks. Moravio professionals have extensive experience across a diverse range of technologies and techniques, and thus are able to select the best tools to affect a comprehensive analysis of your project.

Project Analysis and Architecture
Project analysis process

Our primary activities can be summarized as follows:

Requirement gathering and analysis: We work closely with the client to understand their project goals, objectives, and specific requirements. This involves conducting interviews, workshops, and discussions to gather information and ensure a clear understanding of the project scope.

Feasibility study: We assess the feasibility of the project by evaluating various factors such as technical, economic, and operational aspects. This helps determine if the project is viable and provides valuable insights for decision-making.

Stakeholder identification: We identify and engage with key stakeholders involved in the project. This includes project sponsors, end-users, technical experts, and other relevant individuals or groups who have an interest or influence in the project.

Risk assessment: We analyze potential risks and uncertainties associated with the project. This involves identifying potential obstacles, evaluating their impact, and developing mitigation strategies to minimize risks and ensure project success.

Architecture design: Based on the gathered requirements and project goals, we design the overall structure and components of the project. This includes defining the system's modules, their interactions, and the overall flow of data and functionality.

Technology selection: We assist in selecting the appropriate technologies, frameworks, and tools that best fit the project's requirements. This involves evaluating different options, considering factors such as scalability, performance, security, and compatibility.

Documentation: We create detailed documentation that captures the project's analysis findings, architectural designs, and other relevant information. This documentation serves as a reference for stakeholders and project teams throughout the project lifecycle.

Collaboration and coordination: We facilitate effective communication and collaboration among project stakeholders, including developers, designers, testers, and project managers. This ensures everyone is aligned with the project's objectives and architectural vision.

Continuous review and refinement: We regularly review and refine the project analysis and architecture as the project progresses. This allows for adjustments based on evolving requirements, feedback, and changing circumstances, ensuring the architecture remains relevant and effective.

Project analysis steps

The highest performing software projects, that provide your business with the greatest scaling, marketing, and profit potential, arise out of the most thorough pre-development phase project analysis. One of the central reasons that more than half of all software projects run over budget is that inadequate time and resources have been allocated toward continuous quality control prior to deployment. Moravio's analysis project team is a wise investment that saves you from wasting money on fixing user-identified errors that emerge post-implementation.

  1. Define project objectives and desired outcomes.
  2. Gather requirements from stakeholders.
  3. Analyze existing processes/systems if applicable.
  4. Identify the project scope and boundaries.
  5. Perform a feasibility study and assess risks.
  6. Define project deliverables and timeline.
  7. Conduct stakeholder analysis.
  8. Document analysis findings.
  9. Validate and prioritize requirements.
  10. Identify dependencies and constraints.
  11. Develop a project plan.

These steps help establish a clear understanding of the project goals, requirements, and constraints, providing a solid foundation for successful project execution.

Project analysis FAQs

Our project seemed to be working well, but bugs are now emerging, can Moravio help?

Yes. Wherever you are in your software implementation process, it's never too late to hire us.
As software design is constantly evolving, it's possible that the technology you employed is no longer suitable to the tasks at hand. Moravio's project analysis process can identify what needs fixing.

Our company's software budget doesn't really allow for project analysis work. Can we do without it?

You can try, but failing to execute a project analysis before development could be the reason you exceed your allocated budget. If a proposed project is unstable in any way it's more cost-effective to identify and attend to issues as soon as possible.

What if project analysis reveals our initial project ideas will fail?

Moravio's project analysis service is about finding solutions to situations, rather than just identifying problems. Our tailored team of experts will work diligently to deliver the best possible project design while incorporating as much of your original vision as possible.

The confirmed benefits of Moravio's pre-implementation project analysis are that it takes an investigative approach to your company's proposed software project, and offers you a subsequent architectural design that is robust, futuristic, and safe.

Why not book a meeting with our head of business development to discuss your ideas today?


  1. Identifying the Reasons for Software Project Failure and Some of their Proposed Remedial through BRIDGE Process Models
  2. Identifying the Reasons for Software Project Failure and Some of their Proposed Remedial through BRIDGE Process Models
Project Analysis and Architecture


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Jakub Bílý

Head of Business Development
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