GPT - Software Development

For software developers with limited AI expertise, GPT can significantly enhance the capabilities of their software. The following are a series of tips and tricks that can be helpful.

Table of contents


This article is not tied to any particular programming language. It is recommended to conduct experiments using the OpenAI Playground environment. The crucial aspect is to generate a clear and comprehensible request and request a response in JSON format. It is possible that the response may contain surplus text that should be eliminated before parsing the JSON response.

Prompt: Classify seniority of a developer based on their CV. Return JSON { developer_name: string,  seniority:junior|standard|senior, class:frontend|backend|full-stack|other, certainity:float }CV: ${SCRAPPED_CV_TEXT}

Example response:

{    developer_name: 'Lukas Gren',    seniority: 'Senior',    class: 'Full-Stack',    certainity: 0.9}

Filter harmful content

Traditionally, identifying harmful content involved creating a blacklist of certain words. However, individuals can express hateful or aggressive sentiments without using explicit language. With the aid of GPT, it is possible to assess the level of aggression or offensiveness in content more accurately, regardless of whether specific words are used.

Measure how offensive is the following text to audiences. Return float number from 0 to 1.0.


In conclusion, software developers stand to benefit greatly from integrating GPT into their applications. GPT's ability to generate human-like text and comprehend natural language makes it a powerful tool for enhancing the functionality and user experience of software. With the help of GPT, developers can create chatbots, automated content generators, and more, enabling them to create innovative applications that meet the needs of their users. As the technology continues to evolve, it is likely that GPT will become an increasingly valuable asset for software developers seeking to improve the capabilities of their applications and stay ahead of the curve in a rapidly changing industry.

GPT - Software Development


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